I am so sorry that you are going through this...
...I would be the same way. I say that not because I think that you have cause to worry, but rather because I just know how health anxiety affects us...and we are of the same mindset!
If I can offer you some comfort, it is this...
...after reading literally thousands of posts on member's worries, I can homestly say that 99.9% of them never happen.:)
I can confirm this great quote!
"Almost nothing that I ever feared ever actually came true."
When are you expecting to hear your results? Did they give you a time?
Until you get a definitive answer...tell your anxiety to back off when it tries to pop up.
"It is not time to worry about that right now."....
is a favorite mantra of mine when I am waiting on an answer, or thinking about concerns in the future that I need to compartmentalize.
Keep posting here and we will try to keep you reassured and distracted
It's going to be alright.:)