sometimes we thinking, and it can be good thinking it can be bad and it can be just chaotic. we all do it, over think things, basically what i term anxiety to be. good, thoughts are better than bad, but sometimes even too many good thoughts can do ya head in. just thinking out aloud. lol. i find i think about
stuff at the wrong times, but that's how it happens. it is all about
adjustment. we need to make time for our doctor's appt, for the hair-dresser, why not our thoughts. if we gave them the correct time and worked through them, and only one at a time, i feel we would feel less anxious. i could be way of the mark, but for me i find that the right distraction is dependent on the thought and proceeding anxiety. ok, i am getting all psycho-dynamic, (psycho really) but i hope you get what i am saying. some thoughts for me do with a better distraction process like music, other anxious thought process do better with others. i mean SC is right, use your coping skills. and the best ones for the situation. i am speaking rubbish possibly. just thought i'd share. keep well, much love 2 all.