Friends- add me to the list as well. I remember having health anxiety in 5th grade. Im 43 now. For most of my life, my health anxiety has not interfered w/my happiness. The times it has, was during a bout of depression/anxiety and I had to take medication to get out of it.
Gmoon- I know how very serious & real these things feel so forgive me but I had to chuckle a little bit at your post. Because... I thought "My God, I could have written everything in her post!"(except the baby stuff as hubby and I don't have kids). The chuckle was because I've never seen anyone list their fears that matched my very own. It actually made me feel comforted & less cray cray that someone else out there is like me
Like Tirzah mentioned, many of us w/anxiety have some form of health anxiety too. So my goodness you are not the only anxious hypochondriac by a long shot!!!
Have you ever taken antidepressants? I'm wondering if you can talk to your ob/GYN abt how you're feeling. I know you don't have insurance but if you're in the states, I'd think you have something covering your OB while the baby is young?
Check out the resources Scaredy Cat gave you. They're simple yet very informative & helpful.
Lastly, do you have a partner or family/friends close by that could help support you while things are challenging right now? You definitely have us here in this forum. We will support, listen and comfort you anytime!
Sending Love-