Hopefully it's ok to share a link to a resource for a FREE book on anxiety...!?! :) This is just so neat. It is a book called "Anxious for Nothing - God's Cure for the Cares of your Soul." written by John Macarthur. It is a Christian book, and I haven't read it yet, but I sure am going to! :)
Here's the webpage below. Once you get to the page, click on the link that says "Free for a limited time-to anyone: Request Now" link."
www.gty.org/products/Books/452003/Anxious-for-Nothing-SoftcoverOk, now the background story!
I've been emailing with a new friend from this website for a few months now.... Well, she sent me the link to a Youtube video where a Pastor spoke about
his own life with anxiety/panic attacks. Amazing sermon, btw! Well----Turned out the pastor is in my same city! Literally 15 minutes from my house! Crazy! Anyway, in his sermon, he recommended this book (and a couple other ones). I google searched where to buy it, and then I get a link that tells me it's free for a limited time!
God's providence???! I think so! How fun! Sign up for a free book if you'd like! Limited time only!