Hey all!
Just thought I'd share a bit!
Last night my girlfriend and I had a little date night and decided to go see a movie (Into the Woods, ended up being pretty enjoyable if you're into musicals). Soon after we sat down in the theater, I started to feel panicky and kinda lightheaded and was thinking about
taking a dose of my Ativan, but I felt better once our food came (it was one of those theaters where they bring dinner to your seats) and didn't take it. After the movie we went home and just hung out and enjoyed each others company before heading to bed.
I ended up getting about
5 hours of sleep, which wasn't the best. Got up and headed to my therapist's for an eleven appointment. She had her therapy dog in the office today, which was nice. Today was more of the same in terms of her getting information about
my background and trying to determine my root issue, or what is causing my anxiety...long story short, she can't pinpoint it yet
We ended up talking about
the dream that I think triggered my issues, plus some other stuff that she thinks might be causing my symptoms. Regardless, I felt pretty good after leaving and have another appointment set for the 14th. Of course, after I got to work today and got situated, I ended up feeling lightheaded and faint again. Not as severe as this past Monday, but enough to spook me again. I've been carrying the Ativan around with me just in case, but again, I'm trying not to turn to that unless I have to.
I just hope this day goes by quickly. I always seem to feel more at ease once I get home. This feeling faint business is a rather new symptom for me; it's almost as if my body will cycle to something new once I realize that the previous symptom is nothing. It's getting old!