Hi SB and welcome back:)
I am sorry that your counselor advised you from being an active participant here. I had a therapist tell me the same...and while I am not advising going against your professional 's guidance...I can tell you that I did, and glad I did!!
May I ask if your DP coincides with your overuse of the Codeine? I am wondering if there is a connection . I commend you for coming off of them, but wonder if you need a safe schedule for this rather than doing it cold turkey? Codeine is an opiate and abrupt cessation is not advised.
Can you come clean with your doc about
this for a gradual weaning plan.?
I really think you are going to a difference in how you feel once your system clears of them.:)
Keep up the good work...and I wish you discernment in whether you continue to post with us.
We are here for you anytime!