Thank you for your replies, I guess being I am a little obsessive compulsive having a blood pressure monitor could be an issue, just because I may be attached to it 24/7.
I am dieting and exercising, I've lost 20 pounds of the weight I put on during my depression last year, so I guess I was shocked that my blood pressure was high, it has never(that I know of) as high as 176/97 or whatever it was.
The last time I was dieting and exercising my b/p would run 114/77, and I guess I don't know how long exercising takes to see your blood pressure lower.
The beginning of the year I was having issues with my blood sugar being all over the place, I do have hypoglycemia, and have had it for many years. I invested in a blood sugar monitor and would go through a bottle of strips in a few days. My PCP recommended a way for me to eat to help my blood sugar stay level, after having my sugar tested and my A1c checked it was fine, but it was the erratic behavior of my levels that worried me, which I was told anxiety can affect your sugar level too. I have my sugar in check, I rarely will even test it anymore. My body tends to be hypersensitive when something is going wrong and I can tell before I even check it.
I guess I just wonder if there are some cases of Anxiety that just never go away, being mine could be genetics, my Father has very bad anxiety so I believe I inherited it from him, I don't know that my Mother ever has had a panic attack. My Psychiatrist said it can be a genetic issue, and I am wondering if part of this is my problem, I am genetically a basket case with anxiety.
I hate therapy with a passion, and I've been told that without it I may not get better with the anxiety(or may not have the success I could) I do believe it has improved greatly, but I am still me!