Hello Kim and welcome.
I too am so sorry to hear what you are going through. This is not a fair way of going about
things, and you have every right to be upset and feeling anxious.
It is perfectly alright to ask and expect your husband to come home immediately and talk things out with you. He absolutely owes you this, and I would call him and ask that he do so.
If things can be worked out, then that is an effort worth looking into with therapy for you as a couple.
If things take another turn, then you at least have an answer, and are not just left to hang and wonder, as he has put you in the position of doing currently.
Do you work with a therapist currently? If so, I would call if you have not done so already for advice on how to handle your anxiety.
If you need some self help suggestions, here is the link to our Resources, which shoule give you some good calming exercises to start with.
Please take the pro-active approach of calling your husband and letting him know that he needs to come now now, and work things out one way or another.
You need not wait around until he feels 'ready' to come home. You deserve that respect most definitely!
We are here to support you...please keep talking with us if it helps! :)
Scaredy Cat