I have been on z for nearly 6mo but last week went from 50mg to 75mg and am suppose to call my Dr. and check in and then go up to 100mg. During the past 6mo I have had very few problems with this medication and got a moderate positive response.
Z helped a lot with my most troubling symptom of depression, suicidal ideation. I feel less depressed but still am struggling with anger.
Both my parents committed suicide, 18 yrs apart, so I am aware of the terrible toll suicide has on survivors. I will not do that to my wife and children. My wake up call came 6mo ago while I was "dealing" with my mother's suicide "on my own" e.i. without counseling or medication or talking to anyone really. The irony is I am a mental health counselor, "physician heal thyself?"
During this week my dreams have been crazy. Also I am 31yrs old and have a case of acne the likes of which I have not seen in 10 yrs. I appreciate frenchbeans mentioning the immoral nature of their actions in their dreams, it is the same for me. My dreams have ******** immoral content and are often extremely *******, but not usually at the same time (during this week).
The dreams are very vivid, long, and continue-as (they don't jump from scene to scene but flow like reality). If I wake up when I go back to sleep the dreams pick up where they left off.
I am going to try and read through all the comments hear and I really hope that some of you will tell me that this side effect lessens quickly. If it doesn't I am definitely returning to the 50mg dose. These dreams are making me physically ill.
(Edits made can I please refer you to the forum rules which are top right.)
Post Edited By Moderator (Hibee) : 8/3/2015 2:38:24 AM (GMT-6)