Hi LarryW and welcome!
I am sorry to hear about
the bad timing regarding your wean, and return of stress and anxiety due to your layoff.;/ That is just Murphy's Law isn't it?
I think if you would like to stay weaned off your Rx, then self-help for anxiety/anger management is the way to go!
We have lots of great material in our Resources for keeping your mood at its best possible.
I will post a couple of good ones to start with...but be sure to check out the entire collection of great material at the top of the main forum page.:)
Therapy Work Sheets:
http://www.get.gg/freedownloads2.htm (see specifically the ones for anger management)
Mindfulness Meditation
Three Minute Mindfulness Meditation Video
Keep posting with us as well. We understand...and talking with other for support is key to feeling well!
Scaredy Cat