Posted 9/28/2015 8:30 PM (GMT 0)
I just down right don't feel well..
ive had more sugar than usual the last few days, so im pretty sure its probably that.
I've also started my monthly bestfriend ( joke, of course ), sorry, TMI.
ive been getting what feel like hot flashes, feel flush in the face, cheeks look red, feel very warm, sometimes I start sweating. I've been feeling like dirt since I started it... normally I don't... seriously don't know whats up... ugh..
its going on week three or so of Cymbalta, not too bad, I definitely don't feel as though its working 100%, I also started out on the lowest dose possible.
I go to see my doctor tomorrow, for a follow up from my ED visit two weeks ago. i'm going to mention to her.
I go to get an Endoscopy the 7th, ive been getting heartburn a lot more the last week, so im very thankful for that. This morning when I burped, gross, I know. I got some palpitations, so im kinda finally feeling like this is actually due to my stomach, and its obnoxious problems.
I go Thursday to pick up my event monitor finally! I called the cardiologist office this morning, and was like, um yea.. I was in two weeks ago, and I was told itd only be a week until I got a phone call... I was wondering if you could tell me when id be able to pick up the monitor... she goes, oh, I don't think we have a wait anymore... weird... hmm... let me check... oh yea, we can get you in on Thursday at 1:45...
FINALLY! kinda sad when they were suppose to call me in a week and I ended up having to call...
anyway, thanks for reading my pointless post, haha.