Hey Freakedout,
Sorry you had such a bad experience with Wellbutrin!
I totally understand your reluctance to take new medication. Most antidepressants have side effects that you may or may not get. Your increase in anxiety was likely one of them.
That being said, Wellbutrin probably wasn't the best choice to start on for anxiety. Something like lexapro or Zoloft are usually some of the more prescribed medications, as they seem to be a little less activating for anxiety sufferers. Also, everybody's chemistry is different, so sometimes it take a couple of different pill options before you find the right one.
Do you get your anxiety medication from a general physician or a psychiatrist? My advice would be to go to a psychiatrist, as they specialize in mental health and would be more likely to steer you in the right direction.
Post Edited (Momtogigiandquinn) : 12/7/2015 9:13:18 AM (GMT-7)