Posted 6/30/2016 5:41 PM (GMT 0)
Hi HW Fam,
If you read my last post, you'd know my mom said something hurtful re: my weight last week. We had moved on from that, as she sort of apologized via text message saying "sorry I was grumpy," when really she insinuated that I needed to lose weight. Anyway, I let it go.
Now, she's at it again. I rent my mom's house from her, with my girlfriend. The house is a 4 bed/ 3 bath home and too roomey for two people that only really go in three rooms-- our bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Our A/C unit (very old and surely not environmentally friendly) only cools the back half of the house, so when we run it, to cool only our bedroom, it's expensive. LA is starting to heat up and the sun hits our bedroom directly. My mom doesn't want to get our AC fixed, and also limits the amount of time we can put it on. I asked her if she wanted me to buy a few window units so we can avoid the cost of running the old thing. She said no. But I realized that I wanted to buy a small one for our bedroom so we could stop running the AC to just cater to our bedroom. I ordered it via amazon and it got delivered the other day.
I went out to dinner with my cousin and girlfriend and almost immediately got a slew of text messages stating things like: "You went ahead and bought the window unit anyway. I'm so disappointed. It's just saying **** y** to your mom when you don't listen. When you are on your own you can do whatever you want. I'm furious. What is the matter with you and the way you're thinking? Don't even bother to talk to me. You don't respect me or my house or how hard I work."
I literally sat there flabbergasted and confused. 1) How is it disrespectful to a home to find a solution that's inexpensive? 2)How do I not respect how hard my mother works? I bought the unit with my own money. 3) I pay a substantial amount of rent for my bedroom and space. 3) I didn't realize buying a portable A/C would render thoughts of fury?
My response was pretty similar to the above in the message that I sent back to her.
I'm having a really hard time dealing with her. Not only with her method of communication (she clearly prefers to argue/ fight via text message which I don't really understand), but her language and overall attitude. I try to leave as little footprint as possible and stay neat and tidy and find my own solutions, but it seems I really can't win no matter what I do.
Aiming to move out of her house by August.
Just needed to vent.