Hi KB!
It is good to hear from you again! So glad to hear that things have been going well in general...
...but of course sorry to hear about
your mom's dx.
Naturally this is scary, as no one wants to be health challenged, or have a loved one go through it...however, in this day, with all of the medical advancement we have and have still coming...
...many people with conditions such as your mom's are living many happy and healthy years!!
Have faith that since she has been diagnosed, and is getting the proper treatment, that she will do well with the management of the condition, and thrive.
Keep focused on the success stories, and yes, absolutely use your coping skills such as Therapy Worksheets and Positive Mantras/Affirmations (see links in the Resources) to keep the negative/scary thoughts defeated!
Post with us anytime for understanding and support...we are here for you.