Hi everyone. For around a month or so, I have had a case of a recurring sensation of shortness of breath, where I can't take in a full breath. I only realized it was a problem when I asked another person whether or not they have experienced it (because I noticed I've had it multiple times in the past).
Since I noticed it as a problem, my breathing is becoming much more uncomfortable and it seems to get worse. The shortness of breath then lasted for a whole week (when it usually just lasts for literally 5 minutes, when I would only notice it and think nothing of it).
I am a 17 year old female who is slightly overweight, and I have never smoked and do not drink. I phoned the doctors to ask for an appointment, but they said they were booked out. They phoned again later and asked how I was doing, and I told them I felt like I was suffocating, but stupidly said that it was "getting better" (which meant I didn't get an appointment...)
I am becoming paranoid about
why the shortness of breath is here. Ever since I discovered that it wasn't common, it seems that I've made it worse as I got very afraid that it may be lung cancer, etc. My parent doesn't think it's asthma because they said that I'd be wheezing. I am experiencing
no other symptoms. Whilst I know that these forums aren't anything like an actual doctor, what I would like to know is whether it may not be as serious as I think and may just be worsened by noticing my breathing. Also, do you think that I should go on to try for another appointment?
Thank you so much!! All replies are really appreciated.