Unfortunately the last year of my life has not been too great. The day after my 18th birthday (I am 19 now my birthday is on July 12th) I woke up, went downstairs and had a random vertigo spell. I remember I couldn't see anything and it felt like the world was spinning. After getting some water and a cold towel over my head the extreme spinning had stopped but i was left with an "off" feeling. Since then over the course of a year i have had the vertigo trip without the blacked out vision 2 additional times. Also, since then I have gotten multiple blood tests, an EKG, an MRI of my brain, an X Ray of my neck, and a neurological exam, and an examination by an ENT. All of my results have come back to be normal and I am thankful for that. Every doctor that I have been to believes that the incidence might have been a fluke thing or it may have been caused by my anxiety. I have had anxiety my whole life and have never had that happen before. This has only made me more anxious and depressed and has added some new symptoms i have never felt before along with it. I still think that there is something wrong with me like a neurological problem, although i would dread for there to be because i feel i would not be able to handle the fact if there was and i would do something bad to myself(i'm a perfectionist.) I've never heard of someone with anxiety having the same physical symptoms that I have. I also cannot comprehend how this could be anxiety because even when i feel that i am relaxed I still have the same symptoms. My real question to myself is should i be worried that there is something seriously wrong with me or should i just accept that what im going through is anxiety, and if it is anxiety what can i do about
it to maintain it and overcome this dreadful unknown symptoms because when I try to say that it is anxiety in my head I can never get it to stick and it never feels right saying that. (Symptoms that I am having: dizziness, off balanced/unsteadiness, sore/heavy muscles and limbs, brain fog, trouble concentrating, anxiety, fear of impending doom, depression, muscle spasms in mainly my arms, legs, and back, feeling like im going to fall/drop, feeling like a force is pulling me down, feeling like the ground is shaking, difficulty getting to sleep, overall just not feeling right) There's probably more I can come up with but those are the ones that I can think of right now.These symptoms are not 24/7 but they are there for most of the day. If someone thinks that they could possibly help me I would deeply appreciate it. (Side-note: about
2 months ago I stopped meeting with my therapist because we were in this cycle of a cat and mouse game where he would tell me to get a job and that would alleviate the way i feel and i told him i want to feel better before i get a job. I also was taking medicine when this incident occurred and was taking it for years but have stopped taking it about
three months ago. The latest medicine I took was 75 mg of venlafaxine also known as Effexor. I have also been told by a new psychiatrist I saw but have also stopped seeing to start taking medicine again but I have a fear of taking medicine for anxiety due to the things I have read on the internet bashing anti anxiety medicine and how it will do all these bad things to you down the road and that there is no evidence that anxiety medicines work by changing levels in your brain )
Post Edited (austinw712) : 8/22/2018 10:26:28 PM (GMT-6)