When I had suffered ptsd I suffered many many panic attacks , sometimes more than once a day, they feel bad, really bad
but I did not die and I knew that if my breathing became too difficult I would faint and start breathing freely again. My body would look after me. I would be fine. I was not in fact dying at all.
And I never worried about
people around me, I knew if something happened they would help me.
And knowing I was going to be ok helped the attacks pass so much quicker.
As I went through CBT for the ptsd the panic attacks stopped coming, still not sure what triggered them as the lag between the stress and the attack is about
30 minutes. Maybe there were many triggers.
Besides proper diet helped me as well. I started drinking natural teas like chamomile or shilajit (here are interesting researches on both and )
My beliefs, that I would be ok, that I trusted my body, that other people would help me, were foundational to recovering quickly.
A large part of CBT and therapy is teaching people to trust they will be ok and to believe their rational mind.