Hi everyone.
It’s been a while since I posted, I hope everyone is well. I’m having mega anxiety recently.
My dr found an increased level (0.2 higher than normal) and ordered a caravan of blood tests. I went today and they took 8, yes 8 vials 🤦🏼♀️ 5 of them were the normal CBC, blood sugar, vitamin d, etc you get at your annual exam, and three were from a dr I saw when mine was out. I was totally freaked out when she referred me to a hemotologist but he was very nice and explained everything to me. Basically my total blood protein was .2 higher than “normal” so they wanted to cross their t’s and dot their i’s; he said as a hemotologist and oncologist he is very certain it’s an incidental finding as for over 10 years my total blood protein has been on the higher normal end so he’s not concerned. Still of course I’m here freaking out! The what if’s are starting to kick in and I’m driving myself crazy! It was fasting for one of the tests so I hadn’t had any food or drink but water for over 12 hours and I felt light headed and just weird leaving the office. I know it was a combination of the 8 vials, no food or sugar, and my anxiety in high alert
causing me to feel the way I do but I can’t help it right now. I’m 32 and healthy other than being overweight, anxiety and heartburn from the anxiety, but no other medical issues, nor does my family have serious medical issues. I know they are just being thorough but I’m so anxious what the blood work will show. 😕 anyone else had similar happenings? Thank you for listening ❤️-M