The xmas holiday season isnt far away and this is a mixed blessing for most anxiety and panic attack sufferers
many have severe anxiety about parties and family gatherings and how well or badly they will cope
long peroids of anticipatory andiety and worry and fears about making a scene can be draining, exhausting and spoil the fun
fortunately relief and help is at hand if a large supply of any valium type meds can be got, as these in a large enough dose will enable yop to actually enjoy the gatherings, trips, dinners and parties
the size of the extra dose should be discussed with your doc, of course, and may need to be substantial to panic proof you for the day, best to not drink alcahol, just touch the drink to your lips when drinking toasts, also best to not drive or operate machinery on the day
even the most fanatically antibenxo doc can usually see the wisdom of allowing benzos on just this 1 period of the year, to avoid your depression and loss of morale from being unable to participate in the family gatherings and parties
if doc still refuses, I suggest he is in the wrong profession and should be in law, as he prefers to sit in judgement on people,to pass punishment on them and not to try to help them