I dont know what the laws are there BUT I know I would be calling a lawyer myself ......it it were have happened to Caitlyn....if this had happened in your home do you think the childrens protective services would have been called
I know it would have here.........do what your guts tell you to do hun really and thanks I was WORRIED
Earlier this yr she ( Cait) and a couple of her friends were very traumatized as a young lad brought and threatened them at school with a gun
I saw all the police and tactical squad there and went in they said they tried to call me BUT I have answering maching yet I may have been on puter but also have call waiting soooo no call came here
I totally flipped out ......they had Cait and 2 friends in with a cousellor for the trauma.........I was not informed of this either til I went looking for her
When she saw me she ran to me and her poor body was vibrating and for great reason
This boy got community service she was going to testify but he plead guilty and we have what they call "Young Offender's Act" here which is a joke ( max sentence for murder is 3 to 5 yrs )
He walks the streets not answering for what he has done to my daughter IMO and everytime she sees him she goes white and shakes ..........
I do have this in a lawyers hands I will not tolerate anyone hurting ,traumatizing her at all EVER.......
It is not the monetary thing either it is the principal and all that know me know this
I came to ppl on here back when it happened it is in old threads ........
Back to your daughter .......DO what your gut tells you hun really how could it be deemed "safe" if it were not put up out of reach and supervised??
Please keep me posted okay ........
** pssssttttttt for off topic just put........ O/T and what its about
....you can talk about
anything you need to we are here to support you how is the other going I hope well
Luvs Lyn
This is my 1 and a half cents worth am sure others will reply ......