if the paxil worked last time the zoloft should too as they are both similar prozac type meds, the zoloft dose range is 50 to 200 and aI would be gradually working it up from 25 to about
do try to get some valium or similar as this always helps from day 1 and will enable you to happily go out with the others, go places and do things, thus keeping up your morale
stress to doc that valium may well be the difference in you leading a fairly normal life, or having a morale crash with severe depression and being housebound
aas always meds arent the complete answer, you also need to learn CBT , relaxation and take more exercise, even in the house for now
zoloft can make you worse for a while but valium makes it easier to adjust
if after all this, doc still refuses to supply benzos, fire him and look for a new older doc