Yep your right I always have to be the bee stirring it up EH
KK I am excited we need to post our NYR here for the whole of HW to see and then we can post our progresses .......and if we fall down we will get back up so no worries it is fir FUN kk
Me ........QUIT smoking ,I have health issues involving this SO I need to stop.......
I will do it I know I will I have Cait and I wont ever nor have I ever let her down
Try to be more laid back with is honestly starting to tick me off
Do more things out of the "Box" and I do already I have to do more ( 3 shows of DR.Phil a day...well )
Learn to be more patient at times when I am sick I am hard to be around and I dont mean to be it just happens ........
Praise myself for every step in the good and for those I may falter on..........I still need to accept that I at least tried ya know
Praise my Daughter for being the best there is and the most Empathetic teen I have ever know .........Bless her
Continue to try and help out others on here
look forward to seeing many new members and having many new friends
Not pout cuz I am getting old in January kk
Always remember that I have A/P and other issues with health and strive to do better working towards better techniques ........
better health care from myself
** I know lots say they have to stop or are gonna stop smoking **
I am and I will I have too for me and my family
thats a few from me I know I have more
What is yours if you care to join in