Hi, I''m new to this. I guess I just need reassurance from anyone out there who may feel like me.
I have had anxiety and OCD for years. They usually are under control but it seems when life gets hard, they act up. My gram died 4 days ago and then my 17 year old cat a day later. It was slow and painful for both my gram and cat. I am not even sure if this is what started my panic attacks as the week before I had pneumonia and the attacks started with being afraid of not being able to breathe. Then came gram and so on and they have gotten worse. I take 12.5 paxil and now am on buspar. I am having a hard time with my fear of going crazy and being put away. I feel like I get obsessed with looking up everything I can on the internet and I think that makes it worse. I worry about having a mental or psychotic breakdown. That is a worry that seems to come with my severe panics. Then I get depressed because I feel so helpless and life seems so hard. I have been trying to do more positive thinking, breathing excercises and relaxation plus I start counseling again. So I guess I just want to know if anyone else out there ever feels this way. Just want to know I am not going to have a breakdown and that it is just my ocd.