Can all say Freezin is Freezing
No oil in oil heater thingy
Must go town and buy oil for oil thingy later
Now must take bear hide and warm up Cowboy
Little shakey must check suger with suger thingy
Suger thingy to cold to check blood suger
Must warm up suger thingy
Suger thingy warmed up now must poke finger
No No big knife not good for poking finger
lots of blood for suger thingy now
Must put on band-aid thingy for big cut on finger now
Suger thingy said Cowboy must eat now
Heating warm bowl of oatmeal Dhoooo
Cowboy fell down steped on bear claw from bear hide
More blood for blood thingy now
Must put nother band-aid thingy on foot now
Cowboy said to Maree that in summer time
Alaska can get up to high 90's in some parts
But here we can get to the 80's Way to hot for Cowboy
Cowboy bough AC for hot day's
Much better then sitting on big ice flows from big mountions
Dhooo Cowboy burn mouth from HOT bowl of oatmeal
Cowboy put toung on coldd metol can
Now Cowboy's toung stuk to coldd metol can
Muse turn on stov too wormm up toung fromm can
Tounge off Cowboy now but must put out fire on Cowboy
Cowboy's Face hair on fire cold water not good
Water now freezing to Cowboy's face not good again
But Cowboy now wide awake from cold water in face
Must take good medication back hurting from fall with bear
Must eat cold oatmeal now Cowboy staying away from fire now
Cowboy said to Lyn Ya and will talk later as must go to town for oil
Dhooo Cowboy forgot to plug in diesel truck heater thingy
Cowboy now plug in truck heater thingy so truck will start in cold later
Cowboy now going back to bed with bear hide on and try to start day over
Cowboy out