MY Cait is showing signs of anxiety and Panic especially now when going into big stores and she is constanly panicky about
her friends and what they are doing to selves she has a best friend that is very depressed and is hurting self ......'
I found the razors Cait took from here and freaked ....
I will try to talk to her friend as she has no parental backing from what I am being told ........
Cait is a Type A personality and she is OCD as well she was bound to be in some areas especially since I am severe OCD and she has seen what the a/p has done to me
She is doing some coping with me and I have talked to hr about
this so much as has our Doctor ..........
It does not mean we are bad parents it is just the way this DD presents itself in our lives and they see it you cannot hide it all ......
My animals feel my angst and Caits
I am hoping Cait will be able to stop from it becoming full blown and interfering in her life so far it hasnt
Be well
No offence taken by this post for me .......I believe it is a good thread and does need to be addressed