Andwes, I think that was VERY well put. That is sorta what I also was thinking. When I was younger, I used to think the term "nervous breakdown" meant that someone had "lost their mind", that is to say, they just sat in a corner of a room someplace, muttering to themselves, rambling on and on about nothing in particular( like what is often portrayed in the movies). Someone who lost all touch with reality.
You know, that got me to thinking about how people with mental illness are portrayed in the movies and on tv. Also how they are treated in REAL LIFE. We are often looked down upon, ridiculed, told to " just snap out of it"..( that is a good one, like we wouldnt have done that by now if we could), to suck it up and get on with life. It really angers me when people who suffer with Anxiety, Panic, OCD..etc are treated as if they dont matter, are useless and are good for being the brunt of jokes. If someone has a heart problem, or cancer they are given all the love, concern, compassion, and care that society has to offer, but someone who has a mental illness is treated almost as if it is all THEIR fault, and are not shown near as much understanding.
I will say this....while I never made fun of people with mental ilnessness, one thing that suffering from one has taught me is ..I am much more compassionate, and have a MUCH greater appreciation for what they deal with on a day to day basis. You know, the Bible says that we sometimes we are put through certain ordeals or situations so that we may be of help and comfort others dealing with the same issue! I just LOVE this healingwell place! It has been a Godsend to me.
God bless and Take care