Hello, and thanks for all of the info provided on this wonderful resource.
It has come to my attention after a severe attack sunday night that resulted in an emergency appointment with a counselor yesterday, that I have some form of anxiety disorder. After seeking help on and off for years, I finally agreed with myself that this is the case. The counselor provided me some materials (copies of textbooks) and it firmed up that I do, and have, suffered from this for quite a while, but with no major complications. Until now.
I am single, mid 30s, never been married, no kids. My job is somewhat stressful. My family has history of mental illness, both treated and untreated. Day to day I live a peaceful life with lots of exercise, whole foods, and positive thoughts.
The attack happened because I am falling in love. And after careful consideration, each time I have been to a doc it is for the same reason. Severe anxiety with a component of the other's past. I do not have unrealistic expectations. I fixate on the issue, and can logically explain it away but the tension in my stomach hasn't gone away in two days. This is the most severe in my entire life.
The texts mention perfectionism, co-dependency as the culprits. Can anyone shed some additional light and recommend resources or books that would help?
Thanks for your thoughts!