I'm alive. Thank GOD I wasn't one of those on the 35W bridge!!! I hardly ever go to Minneapolis so I'm feeling very thankful that I wasn't on the bridge at the time it collapsed.
My anxiety and panic is very calm now.. I can travel (mostly) comfortably a bit outside of my comfort zone now.... but am no means able to take a plane to Florida or something LOL
I miss you all. I just rented a house and am moving in on the 15th with my lovely boyfriend who is very supportive of all that I do and understands my anxiety/panic and treats me with a great deal of respect and understanding in general and when I speak of my PD.
I miss you all SO much, specially LYNN!!! and my fav guy from Alaska!! (freezinAK you know I'm talking to you!!!) normalsnofun!! MISS you SO much!!! Ms. Kitty how are you? There are so many names that I KNOW I'm forgetting!!! UGH if I could remember them all but know that I miss you all SO much and plan to be around a lot more. I moved in with my bf for a while til we found a house so we're putting a computer in the office at the house ... hehe...
hope all are fairing well