HI Aussie!
I hope I'm not out of line here, but I can't help myself...!!! Have you ever tried taking Taurine? And do you take magnesium and/or B vitamins? HAve you tried fish oil capsules (omega 3's). I'm not saying that you shouldn't take regular prescribed meds (heck, I'm on the max of paxil and buspar!). All I am trying to say is that I do take my regular meds but I truly believe thattheother stuff has been of significant help to me, ESPECIALLY the taurine. Some folks don't wanna try alternative stuff and i respect that. In my case, I've tried different alternative things and the only one that seemed to make a real difference right away was the Taurine. That's why I knew it wasn't a placebo effect, as otherstuff I'd tried hadn't seemed to help, thus I knew it wasn't just "in my mind" or "wishful thinking"! I hope you'll be willing to look at these articles.
As to fish oil, it's a great mood stabilizer and B vitamins and magnesium are vital things our bodies need anyhow. Do a Google search on "magnesium for anxiety" and "B vitamins for anxiety".
All of these things I've mentioned are not toxic or dangerous. (For example, Taurine is the most abundant amino acid in the body anyhow!) They do not nullify the effects of meds. Take them as directed on labels.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me. I know more sites that you might be interested in reading about for more research.
I am usually wary of sayng too much about me supplemental "meds" as I know it can be controversial, but seeing what a state you've been in makes me want to risk it!
Take care and no matter what you do or decide, know that I care! We ALL do!!!