Hi Kitt. It's me Nick. Thank you for getting back to me. No, I am not having seizures at all. My doctor put me throw a guantlet of tests from MRI's to mass blood work. I do however, have an extremly bad anxiety dissorder. I mean before I was on Clonazepam, I had a really bad mental breakdown. So much so, that I needed help from a friend just to walk becuase I was shaking so much. I lost weight, the works. But I do have fearful thoughts about the time I honestly could not walk. I mean I fell down the stairs. And all the doctors that I have seen have said the same thing-Anxiety.
Even when I first started taking the Clonazepam, I did not feel tired at all. In fact, if I didn't know better, I could be taking a sugar pill which I am not. But since I have been taking them, I do not shake at all. I guess what I am asking is am I supoossed to feel anything at all when I take them? I mean I have heard of Valium from friends and they have all told me that once they took one, they went to sleep for days. Not me.
I guess they do work for anxiety even though I don't feel anything at all, or I am not supposed too.