After trying several different SSRI's and a few of the old Trycyclics, a psychiatrist I began seeing about 2 years ago, put me on Celexa. Like you, I am extremely sensitive to medications, especially the SSRI meds. I started out at 5 mg and stayed there for nearly a month. He was very patient and said we need to get it up to about 40 mg for the full benefit, but he said he would take as much time as I needed and felt comfortable with to get there.
Increasing very slow and gradually was the key for me. I didn't notice any side effects at all. In the past I tried Prozac, Paxil, Amytriptylene, Lexapro, and Noritryptyline and they were really rough.
Important note about Celexa, and you can look this information up on the net, it is considered to be the most highly selective SSRI ( zeroing in on Serotonin without affecting the other neurotransmitters as much ), but not nearly as potent as some of the others, if that makes sense. I believe Paxil is the most potent in the group.
I do also take Klonopin..... half mg a day...and that probably helped get me through the initial activating feelings that SSRI's can cause. It took about 6 months, but I got to 40 mg and after about two months on that, the panic symptoms dissapeared and for me, I never experienced a side effect other than slight sedation. Sensitivity to these meds is a common problem with panic disorder patients from what he told me. With that said, Celexa is not for everyone. Two SSRI's of choice that seem to offer very low starting dosages, and a wide range of doses are Zoloft and Celexa.
We all respond different to these meds and one may work great for one person and not so much for the next. Celexa was the only one that worked for me.
Hope some of this helps and hope you get to feeling better.