Hello, I am a VERY new contributor to this MB b/c I have been experiencing some serious anxiety issues for about four months. but, I wanted to tell you that I had some serious pains in my chest/upper GI area for four months now.........Actually, right where your xiphoid(sp)---that little bone that hangs where your sternum splits---is, underneath! It started as a dull pain----they thought it was my gall bladder b/c the pain radiated to the right side of my body (under ribs, etc.)---around to my back up the middle etc...
Well, my gall bladder test came back negative, then they thought it was my discs in my throacic region...went to PT for six weeks---the pain would come and go-----my MD also told me i have costo-condritis(sp)---an inflammation of my ribs (which you usually only get when you have some type of trauma to your chest area--like a car accident or a virus, etc...)---had an MRI--came back OK......
I haven't been able to wear a bra for 3+ months, and I still get the pains---like an explosion---especially after I eat---it is hard to swallow, and hits that part (under sternum), like a ton of bricks. Can't eat, can't sleep, hard to swallow, hard to eat ANY food, pain in stomach--through to mid back (although no one is sure where it starts---then refers to)---so, MD thinks MAYBE I have an ulcer-----and put me on two different kinds of meds (prilosec--didn't help, and Aciphex--helps a little better)......
right now, I am STILL waiting to find a GI specialist, b/c they don't call you back......it's like---HELLO!
Sorry to be long winded, but I have experienced a 'similar' pain in my stomach/back area---just don't know if it's what you are feeling-----Right where the sternum splits.......around/through to my back!
If it is adrenaline, that would be good to know....b/c I get these little "spasms" all over my ribs/chest/stomach, front and back........no one knows why?
I hope you find an answer.....