Wow what a great support system you have on this thread. For a moment there when i first started reading your story I thought you were one of my good friends who is almost in the same situation that you are, all the way down to stopping Lexapro her last year of college! Anyhow, im really glad that you told your bf about
your anxiety. I wont bore you with my whole story, however with my boyfriend I didnt develop the anxiety until 2 years into the relationship! So he was stuck with it
j/k, anyhow he is very ok with it and supports me all the way down to waking up in the middle of the night just to go with me to make sure the door is locked! im pathetic i know! Back to your new situation, dont fret about
him not seeming interested in your disorder. I firmly believe that unless you actually have anxiety you can never COMPLETELY understand what a person goes through and how to understand it. I was like that for many years when i experienced my sister doing things like coming home from school early all the time, and some of her OCD, I always said Jen, why cant you just settle down!, i never understood why but then when I had my first panic attack guess who was my go-to girl!?!! Dont worry about
him not seeming interested because it also may be his way of letting you know it doesnt have to interfere with the relationship. I wish you the best. Take care!