WARNING: LONG! Ok, so I carry this piece of paper with me and when I feel the need to express my feelings I write down whatever comes to mind. I don't check it or revise it. I write the first thing about
what I am feeling or an experience that is going through my head. So, when I can't stop thinking about
something, I write it down. Just thought I would share some of my chicken scratch with you guys.
Escaping the world in a different way
engulfed with the feeling of death
breath taken away like candy from a baby
feelings of insecure fright wash over
reality is stripped from within reach
the worlds turns like a merry-go-round which never slows
the overpowering loss of control and even balance
thoughts race at the speed of light
senses flee and become useless
time comes to a hault in the real world
existence only in another state of dimension
soon life comes flooding back
the world in reality returns to its normalcy
its over as quick and sudden as it began
but the memory of its horror will always exist within
(I think I was thinking about the panic attack I had last week when I wrote this one. I kind of close my eyes and feel it, and then write down whatever I am feeling...)
I see you laughing and smiling daily
Your world seems so different from mine
I wish I possessed the glow you have
Your calming energy exerted on others
The warmth of your smile that brightens my day
If only only I could be this way
You are always there for me
With gentle words of which you speak
(I don't guess I finished this one. Something must have interrupted my thought. But, I think I was thinking of my best friend at the time...)
its the sense of being stuck inside a black hole
alive without the sun
veins chilled running cold
all alone in existence
standing in the shadow of unknown
reality nor truth is present
the literal feeling of a storm cloud frozen overhead
the warmth of others blocked by an invisible force
color no longer exists but in black and white
a heavy fog trapping what used to be
like a human within a turtle shell
frightened to come out and face the world
forced to deal with the world in a hidden unwanted way
my world no longer turns nor is it vivid and open
but it exists seperate from others secretly
the uniqueness showing in an extreme way
sure...laugh because I am different
but it is you who I laugh at
...you are the same as everybody else
(well, I guess I was thinking about depression and my life in general...sad I know, but I feel better expressing it in words on paper. Writing it down really helps.)
#4 (last one!)
it strikes without warning
uncontrollability thrust upon me
fighting the force of mind
the knowledge of right from wrong
standing up against myself
I take in my hand hatred
hatred causes bad things to happen
wanting to escape this horrible episode
my mind does not comply
it moves forward like an army
destroying everything in its path
I am forced to fight this destruction alone
I am my own immune system
fighting for myself
pain caused by hatred within my flesh
for one single moment pain does not exist
when reality returns there is no going back
for the extent is irreversible
it comes but now it is gone
pain and fear within worrying when it will strike next
while the world continues on around me
unknowing and silent
living with constant fright and worry
with every ounce of strength I push forward
until at any moment hatred stikes again
once again putting my world on hold
(Ok, well, I used hatred alot but thats not what it is about. Hatred is a symbol of all the bad things that can happen. Use your imagination as to what I may be talking about. I had one thing in mind while writing this, but I am keeping that to myself.)
Well, anyways, my point is that no one should have to hold there feelings in. But, even if you feel alone and have no one to talk to, or choose not to talk to anyone, you can still get it out. Just sit, think, and write it down. Think hard about what you experience daily, or what bothers you most and just write it down and a scratch sheet of paper. It helps alot. I carry scratch paper with me everywhere. When I get the urge to write, I write. I have papers everywhere with writings on them. Even dinner napkins! But, hey, I express myself in that way. And you dont have to be a good writer at all. Just write what you feel, think, and believe. No one else has to see it. You can write it and shred it if you desire! Well, anyways, this is long enough, I just wanted to share my way of expressing myself and encourage others to express themselves as well.
Thanks for your time. Everyone take care and have a great day! Express yourself!