Hi Aussieangel,
I know exactly what you're talking about! Vertigo is scary, scary, scary.
I also developed severe vertigo when I discontinued a benzo (Ativan) several years ago. Much like you, I was hospitalized for the brunt of the taper. After I went home, I began experiencing bouts of horrible dizziness which scared me silly. I had never before experienced that. One night, the dizziness was so bad that I went to the ER, but there wasn't anything that they could do. They gave me a script for something to combat the dizziness, but it didn't really help.
For whatever reason, the dizziness was definitely related to my body coming off the benzos. After about two weeks, the dizziness subsided. I haven't had any problems with it since.
I hope that this helps some. These benzos are very powerful in the brain, and when we stop them (even with a gradual taper), all sorts of problems arise. Eventually, as our brains readjust, the problems go away though. I hope that you begin to feel better soon.
Take good care.