Hi all,
I was wondering, have any of you have ever gotten panicky and freaked out about your breathing? I've never panicked about this particular thing in the past, and I've previously been able to use deep breathing as a coping mechanism for panic, so when my breathing is what's causing me to panic, I don't know what to do!
I have had horrible congestion and drainage for months and I have been getting these episodes where I feel like my throat is closing up, my airway feels constricted, I get a huge lump in my throat, and I can't get a good breath. I can't stop clearing my throat and it gets really sore and irritated. They last for what seems like forever and my breathing is all I can think about. I panic and think, oh my gosh, what if I can't breathe!!! what if my throat closes up!!! What if I'm having an asthma attack, but I've never been dignosed with asthma. I start to shake really hard, sometimes I get dizzy, cry, and all I can hear is the sound of my breath to make sure it's not wheezing and it's still there. It's horrible! These happen at random times, and I'm starting to get more scared of when the next episode is gonna hit, and where am I gonna be. Am I gonna freak out in front of people? I went to my PCP doc earlier this week and he gave me another antihistamine to try and got me a referral to another allergy doc. I have been to one before, had all the allergy tests done, and they all came back negative, so I don't know what's going on!
Thanks for listening.