After much reservation----and some encouragement from DH---I took my first dose of Effexor XR---just 37.5 mg-----I am scared of the side-effects I may experience---but, am just going to tell myself it will be OK---I am getting pains on my right side as I type this----anxiety? Or spasm?
I hope this stuff works----we'll see I suppose. I told DH that he needs to watch me for any side effects----and that I was scared of them. He told me that if I start experiencing the side-effects like I did on lexapro/celexa (crying all of the time, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, felt closed in, felt lost, felt paranoid, etc.....) that I will just stop taking them---and we'll go from there!
NOW---my question for those of you on this (or other meds):
Did your doctor have you get a blood test to check on your liver function on these meds?
If so, how long after you start taking them did you have the blood test?
Do you have them periodically?
I just want to make sure this stuff doesn't mess up my organs----or anything else! LOL!
Just a warning--you may see me typing a lot here in the next several days!