Thank you all! I am taking him to Cincinnati Children Hospital to a Peds GI on April 6th......Wish us some good news because we really need it...Thank you all for all the good advise it is so helpful!...
Hi! I have registered for this website 3 times and I have never heard back from it at all: Is there any other websites for parents of children...
They gave him a iron shot...and just the sulasalazine......
First Thank you all so much for that website! He has had a colonscopy and just to make sure they also did a endoscope. His biopsy's came back abnormal. His white blood cells were high and his sed...
Hi! My name is Pauletta. I have a 6 year old little boy that has Crohn's. He started having problem when he was 2 years old. I searched for 3 years trying to find out what is wrong with him and now I...
I do agree with Ides. I started when I was around 19. I'm 30 now. I have problems with my hips the most. I can't sleep at night because I get so stiff. My doctor worked with me for 18 months before...