I am preparing to start LDN. I have to stop taking all my other pain meds so weening has been a process. The reason I am optimistic about it helping with fatigue is because I have had partial relief...
I don't know which test you were given but I test negative for the RA Factor in my blood but test positive in my CCP test which is far more accurate. About a third of people who have RA don't test...
From what you describe, I would think a rheumatologist would suspect Fibromyalgia before RA but it may be either or both. I have both. I test sero negative for the RA Factor, which about a third of...
Call the doc who prescribed the MTX8 to be sure! Feel better!...
I am having a very long journey to finding the right combo of meds too. I also had a long path to diagnosis. My internist told me she thought I had RA a few years ago and sent me to a rheumatologist....
There is an older pain med that works well for me because it energizes me as well as helps with the pain. It is called Talwin....
This is very interesting. I am preparing to go on low dose Naltrexone for Fibromyalgia and RA. It is supposed to work for CFS too. All the info is at www.lowdosenaltrexone.org and the low dose is...
I have a constant elevated temp as well. I usually feel a bit feverish. I run about 99.2 to 100.2 almost all the time. The doc says it is part of my Fibro or RA. There isn't anything you can really...