I was taking 10mg but after my last visit with my rheumy he suggested that I increase it to 20mg to try and help this flare up calm down. I am now on the prednisone, methotrexate, tramadol (50mg) for...
I don't think/know if there's a way to send messages directly to one another on here. I changed my profile settings so that my e-mail address can be viewed. I Would really appreciate it if you sent...
I wanted to put a question out there to the many people who have/are on prednisone. I have been on prednisone for about 3 weeks now (low dose) and I have noticed that it helps some of my joints...
I have heard about the anti-inflammation diet but I have yet to try it. At such a young age I am tired & frustrated with giving things up in my life because of these medical problems. As you probably...
Hey paperbagprincesses I know its been a long time since you posted but I wanted to see if you and your doctors have come up with a diagnosis fitting your symptoms. I ask b/c I am 23 and experiencing...