Hi Oreo You asked about our porch, well we have a sun room that gets the morning sun, which as far as I am concerned is better than sitting out on a porch. I dont do well in the sun, cause of all the...
/community/emoticons/redface.gif 4 weeks ago, and he said it was probably just themeds, but to keep an eye on it. He works closly with my PCP, and they t at this time. Definately not Parkinsons. No...
Erin, Thnx for your reply! I have to tellyou that i have had wonderful response to Humira, no RA problems past some early am stiffness (less than 30 min!). As for the shaking hands, I know it is not...
/community/emoticons/yeah.gif I have what I think is a strange problem. anyway, it is new to me. I am /community/emoticons/confused.gif confused by /community/emoticons/confused.gif it. Anyone else...