PAULAGER i really think you should maybe discuss fibromyalgia with ur doctor. i know u been diagnosed with sacroilitis and i went through the same. doctor after doctore after doctor. was crawling at...
:cry: its now april 2012 and we got alot figured out with me. come to find out i have fibromyalgia. if it wasn't for finding the sacroilitis i would have never found out about fibro. stay strong...
I think the shot is working! I'm starting to have less pain days :-) I still take my meds but I am def noticing relief cuz I can throw the ball again with my dog and carry laundry. Hope this stays...
the medication im on has been helping alot. i wish u could take all that stuff. arn't u alergic to alot? im sorry trying to remember if that was u or sumone else in my blog. hope u feel better...
yeah i hope the shot works for me cause i really don't wanna have to do a full course. but if it doesn't work im willing to do more shots till they can't anymore. i guess after 3 in one year thats...
good luck Lu! U know me with my sacroiliitis and it is sooo hard to deal with the pain. everything i've been going through has helped alot with the hip pain but i still gut that ache. now i'm hopeing...
thanx Lu =) I had the injection yesterday and i was so nervous expecting the worst. u r not even ganna believe what happened lol i guess i have very small veins cause they had to do my IV on the top...
yeah the lymphnode is seprate from my sacroiliitis. but i get the injection today at 2pm. i'm soo nervous. kinda excited for the pain relief part but def really nervous. i'l keep you updated and how...
hey everyone! long time no talk. i just wanted to update you with were i'm at. i got the HLAB27 test and was NEG. which is great! i have a follow up with my ortho/pain doctor the 12th to talk about...
SHERRY, i just looked at ur signature. i'm so sorry and i hope you get relief. it kills me knowing you can't take so much for it and i can't imagine what you go through but i'm glade the chiropracter...
wow thats alot to handle. i'm sorry for your pain. i don't have all of what you do but the sacroiliitis and sciatic. . im glade your medicine is helping a bit. and it's wierd how sacroiliitis is...
yeah the answer part isn't coming easy. i've been going through this for 3 years and now that it's so bad i have to find what's wrong because my whole life is affected cause the pain. i went to my PC...
my update as of yesterday... Yesterday my pain dr called me and we discussed me getting blood work for the HLA B27 Antigen before i have the injection. He told me he thinks I am in the begining...
ooo i have my injection in my si joint booked. i go oct 17th and tomorrow i get blood work to check for the HLA B27 Antigen...i gatta make sure i ask one more thing while i'm at my PC's...have u ever...
i will. i'm sooo sorry you can't take some of those things. that must be hard cuz i know how bad it felt not taking anything for a long time. what do u do for pain? how do you manage it? i know u see...
tramadol seemed to really help with the severe pain. figured i'd share that cuz i know how many meds don't help with this condition....
i ice every other day at PT since my icepack busted. but the heat does help a bit. exspecially when i'm hurting really bad at night. i actually talked to my pain management doctor today and he gave...
no call yet about the si joint injection date or no call back to my test request... i've been having to cut back in PT cuz the pain is just so much right now. i've been so sore for days and the...
it's just hard. i was recently diagnosed with sacroiliitis but at the same time this is the farthest i've ever been diagnosed and hopefully this new doctor will find out what the real problem is....
I just asked today to be tested for AS before i get that SI joint injection if possible. I hope i get answers soon =)...
all the things i love to do i can no longer do. like hiking =( i really miss that. i miss being able to do whatever and not worry about the pain afterwards. now thats all i worry about...
thats awsome =) my ortho also said the same to me and said he missed somthing in my xray and saw something in my spine outta line and thats why we did the mri and nothing showed up.i think he is just...
Hi everyone! I am a 25year old female and have sacroiliitis. I am looking for help and feedback because I am very concerned about what's going on with me. This all started for me when i was 23yrs...