Picturing a stop sign and saying it out loud or in my head truly stops it. That would not work without my daily use of Paxil. I take the maximum dosage. Feeling dizzy, like I am going to pass out,...
The need to keep moving my restless legs is so powerful that it causes me to get up at night to walk around. If I don't get up and walk around, I will search for a comfortable spot to lay my legs....
It's a merry-go-round of trying to find the right drug combinations to treat RA or AS. As it turns out after waiting for 2 weeks, no bone cancer was found. It's MGUS...period. It's from the RA meds....
I've been on Simponi for about 3 yrs to control the symptoms of RA. Prior to taking Simponi I was on Humira for 2 yrs and Remicade for a year. I took mtx in the past but not currently. How well does...