Hi psbg, sorry you are experiencing this, it's really hard and annoying. I to have been overly exhausted lately, it does make your normal routine feel like a challenge. I haven't found a solution yet...
Thanks so much fot the support Rosie's Girl, I'm ready for whatever is thrown my way,just want this disease to be controlled...
Thank you so much hopeforra, I will definitely check out ur Facebook page. It does suck to have this but I found this forum and find it to be very helpful from people like you!!!!...
Hi sjkly, I'm currently on 20 mgs of prednisone started off with 60 mgs. I was just officially diagnosed with ra about 2 weeks ago, but have had symptoms for about a year. I see a ra doc aug 6 th, so...
I got the steroid injection ovet a week ago and put on oral prednisone, even with I've had probably one of my worst weeks ever!! Left shoulder and now I cannot even move my left wrist. I'm new to...
Thanks Glea!! I sure will keep posted, god bless you also :)...
Just got my referral in the mail, August 6th is my appointment so not to long off, hope he's a good doc!!!! Will keep updated thanks everyone for your care and concern, and extra thanks for all the...
Hi TayIsa, thanks for your concern and yours is under control. I have noticed people in here seem really great and caring after only one day of being a member. I think i will find this forum to be a...
Just seen my family doc today and read my blood results back, says I hit every marker on it. They are referring me to a specialist, I just have to wait for them to call....
Hello Charteux, thanks so much for the info!! It is a bit overwhelming and mind jolting at first. I just hope those meds will help, I'm a factory worker and this disease is making work and home life...
I'm 33not and just been diagnosed with ra, family doc gave a steriod injection and script for prednisone. Referring me to a rheumatologist, constant joint swelling and pain, what meds should i expect...