Thnk u !...
I havent gone. Bcus nobody I know drives and I.don't lisence till Feb but the no.job tht means no car...
Really ? Well right now I'm not on meds because I'm all alone and I don't drive I have no ride to the doc and I have to wait till Feb to get my license , but sometimes I get called to work at...
How long did it take...
Aw man that's good to hear , I wouldn't say my condition is.really bad but I can't be standing for.too long...
Anybody that has arthirits in your ankles , have you guys ever returned to being able to jump or run again? love playing soccer but now I can't even kick a soccer ball...
I'm 18 years old been diagnosed with jra when I was 17. I wouldbt wish this disease.on the person I hate the most. I was a really good soccer player and was healthy but once I turned 18,my life...