Goodness, well I'm glad to be here. Right now, I feel like whatever is happening is getting dramatically worse quite quickly. Everything hurts and feels heavy like lead. When I took my temp this...
Wow... I'm just... speechless. I've been crying a lot more than usual lately. Getting to age 24 with all this pain... for 10 years, I guess I learned to clam up and move on. There aren't a lot.of...
Thankfully my pcp is awesome, but the degree of my disability is increasing dramatically and I felt like I needed to check if I needed admittance. I've got an appt with her coming up, she's good...
I am a new user, but I am just so incredibly done with trying to get this (or any!) diagnosis. I hope you all have some insight because I'm exhausted and angry and disabled right now. I just got back...
So I'm seeing a rheumy for the first time this coming Tuesday. I can't know or rule out any number of issues or that I may have more than one specific issue, but RA looks like the culprit for the...