Thank you. Its just that no one i ever talk to truly understands. That it often can feel like a ticking time bomb. To me it always feels like time is running out. And i cant stop that. And i hate it....
Ya'll are probably right. I just need to go in and be put on the right meds. I hope it'll help. :s...
im mostly just taking ibprophen i have a doctor that still sees me at the shriners hospital in Spokane WA but guilty admit i haven't gone in a year. im to scared to go. to scared to be putting drugs...
yupp i get tons of anxiety. mostly towards my RA. and spiders........
Hi, i'm 20 years old, 21 in December and i'm literally scared to death of my JRA, it's okay to be scared, right? I was diagnosed when i was only one years old. I went through it till i was about...