Well, I had my appointment today with my Rheumy and basically he gave me a complete rundown of the disease itself and how it effects the body and my options. He spent at least 40 min with me and I...
Erin & Duck, Hi! My appointment with my Rheumy is tomorrow-Wednesday. This has been an exhausting 1 1/2 - 2 yrs of finally getting my health problems diagnosed. So I am looking forward to getting a...
Erin & Duck, Thank you SO MUCH for the info. I really can't wait to go back to my Rheumy in December to discuss options. It is nice to have some other info to go on when speaking to him regarding...
Hi Erin & Duck! Thanks for your replies! I can't imagine life without these forum/chats to be able to discuss our health issues with others that are sharing same life experiences. about my RA, I...
Hi! I am new to this forum. I have been under the Fibromyalgia forum under healingwell and found it quite helpful as I was diagnosed in May 2005 with it. I was just told Friday after a series of...