CaMama, I cannot stress enough how appreciative I am of you taking the time to write back to me and reassure me .. i am sorry you ve been dealing with this since you were a child but the fact that...
Hi there , i read that cutting bread, even whole grain is helpful.. i also read lots of articles about the relationship between gluten and inflammation .. not sure how it works with RA but i guess...
Hi there ❤️ I completely understand.. i ve just veen diagnosed with RA at 38 out of nowhere and I am devastated to say the least but I think its normal in the beginning , its hard to accept it .....
Thank you i did get blood work for rhumatoid factor and inflammation marker ans awaiting my appointment with a rhumatologist :(...
Hi susie , thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me ,. I went to see a chiropractor because of a stiff neck and I told her i have pain all over my body , especially when I wake up and put...
Hello , I have been dealing with depression and anxiety my whole life and weight problems ( ±7/8 pounds that I made into a mountain ), i have decided to become healthy, change my relationship with...