Last night I got this sharp pain and then an electric buzzing type feeling on the top of my head that lasted maybe less than a minute then went away...this morning I feel heavy on that side of my...
The pain is in the forehead, back of head just above neck, across the nose under eyes. I have felt the sharp eye pain that it started with before, it doesn't last but a few seconds then goes away....
well, i could but all they are going to do is a basic neuro exam maybe an MRI or ct which will be normal because I had both just over a year ago. ..........
I'm not sick. I don't have congestion, drippy nose. Nothing like that. I looked up aneuresym and you don't instantly die from an aneursym. Most commonly you have a slow bleed that causes the pain and...
For aobut 2 days now I have had pain that feels like sinus pressure across my nose, though I am not sick, headache across forhead and lower part of back of head. I feel a little nausesated, Also pain...
your right. they are both so similar it seems...when you were exercising did you feel overheated? maybe try with a cool fan or window open and see if that helps symptoms at all....i'm no expert at...
I don't have MS but I am having the western blot ignex blood test next week for lyme..anyway I was tested for MS at one time and through my reading I learned that exercise can bring on symptoms for...
206-341-1900 is the phone number to neurology at Virginia Mason Main clinic in downtown Seattle. The main clinic number is 206-223-6600. The web address is The MS specialist I...
I hear you about the doctors in Anchorage also. Believe me it is worth your time and money to go to Seattle. The doctors are much more professional and they are exposed to more people than the...
When I was tested, I had evoked potentials studies, MRI done. Both were normal so they did not proceed with spinal tap. I have not been diagnosed with MS but possible fibromyalgia. Are you getting...
HI hippimom2. I have had an issue with this ASO test. Back in Jan of 05 i caught strep throat while in mexico. It was miserable. Fever of 103, a throat that looked like pizza...saw a docotor there....
It is interesting. I wrote Erin about it and she said it all has to do with your whiteblood cell count. So it's probably a good thing. I will bring it up with rhuematologist thursday. Hope everyone...
hi everyone. I posted this topic on the lupus forum as well. I don't have RA or LUPUS but possible fibromyalgia. I was thinking today that I haven't had a cold or flu in a year. I wondered (because I...
Sometimes it hurts for me to wear a bra! I can tolerate it but it is very uncomfortable. Not right where the bra strap is but just above and below.....ARRGH! And my skin has felt hot to the touch the...
Happy Valentines to you! I have not received any injections...the pain in this area comes and goes...I did see the chiropractor yesterday and she wants me to get x-rays done of low back and hip bones...
Thanks Erin and I did get your letter!...
I am taking ambien for sleep and I was taking xnanax but haven't taken it for a couple of weeks and ibuprofen almost everyday..but that is it for meds.........So not sure what would be making me...
Erin by jaw clenching I mean teeth clenching and sore jaw muscles...I had the CBC sed rate c-reactive all that blood work done at same time as RA test and ESR it was all normal. Sed rate was...
That is kind of what I thought...thankyou for replying. I see the rhuematologist again in March so I will ask him about being tested again since that will make 6 months from the last time......
I haven't been diagnosed with RA but I did have the blood test and the norm was 0-13 and my level was 10.1 so that was considered normal. My question is "is that kind of on the high side" and I have...